‘Don’t do it alone’: Q&A with Jennie Mossman, Sustainability Lead at Amplify

‘Be patient: reductions take time to identify and implement. Shifting mindsets from short-term goals to a wider, bigger-picture strategy and education is key, and that takes time to do well.’

Jennie Mossman is Sustainability Lead at Amplify and has almost a decade’s worth of experience working in production. As host of a recent Show & Tell session, where isla members share their sustainability learnings to help accelerate change within the events industry, Jennie shared Amplify’s journey of measuring and auditing their carbon footprint across their global offices. This includes the tools and partners they use, as well as offering practical tips on how to get started.

We caught up with Jennie after her Show & Tell session, to ask a few key questions about Amplify’s sustainability journey so far.

What has been the biggest challenge on Amplify’s journey to Net Zero, so far?

‘I would say the biggest challenge we face is implementing reduction strategies across our Scope 3. As a service based company, our Scope 3 equates to the largest proportion of our overall footprint by a long way, and working with our supply chain to identify ways to effectively reduce this is imperative to our success of achieving our Net Zero goals. 

Through strategies such as our supply chain auditing, engagement workshops and supplier code of conduct we are always looking to establish ways to work collectively and finding ways to minimise the negative impact we have on the planet.’

What are your top 3 tips for measuring your operational footprint?

  1. ‘Get a grasp of all aspects of your business: working with auditors or consultants that understand your industry and business can really support this to be able to identify key areas of focus for you.’

  2. ‘Be patient: reductions take time to identify and implement. Shifting mindsets from short-term goals to a wider, bigger-picture strategy and education is key, and that takes time to do well.’
  3. ‘Bring carbon into context: people can switch off when you start reeling off stats, figures and jargon. Instead, using resources to translate information into easy to understand comparisons helps to visualise the true impact and what it all actually means.’

What advice would you give to someone at the start of their organisation’s sustainability journey?

‘Don’t do it alone. There is a great community of people out there who are also on the same journey and tapping into that has been a great way for us to learn, connect and get support. It can sometimes feel like quite a daunting, lonely journey but finding the right people has definitely helped us with that.’

Show & Tell sessions are a part of isla’s membership programme and run every other month. If you are interested in becoming an isla member visit our membership page.


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