These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”), in conjunction with the Privacy Policy and isla Website Usage Policy, govern the agreement between isla (company name isla collective ltd) (“isla”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and organisations/individuals (“Members”, “you”, “your”) who enter into a membership from us (“Membership”).

By entering into a Membership with us, you are agreeing to these Terms. We have a policy of continuous improvement and reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and/or any Member benefits (“Member Benefits”) at any time on reasonable notice. Members who continue to participate in their Membership following a change will be considered to have accepted the updated Terms and/or Member Benefits. For up-to-date Terms and Member Benefits, Members should visit our website.

isla is a not-for-profit membership organisation for the event industry that supports our members to become more sustainable.

Our registered address is:
130 Queens Road,
East Sussex,
Company No. 12538043
You can contact us by email at

A) Membership Application

1. Membership is divided between the following categories: i) Founding Members and ii) Members. All applications for Membership must be submitted by completing the relevant application form. Please email to request.

2. Membership is available to agencies, brands, suppliers, event and exhibition organisers, venues and individuals (aged 18 years or over) resident in the United Kingdom.

3. Membership is at our sole discretion upon meeting the criteria of commitment to helping the event industry become more environmentally sustainable.

4. Subject to the above requirement having been met, Membership starts on the invoice date.

5. Applicants must ensure that all information provided is, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, complete and accurate at the date of application. Where false or misleading information is provided, we reserve the right to terminate your Membership without refund or recourse to you.

6. Details of any principals of the organisation applying for membership who have held a similar position in a company that has gone into insolvent liquidation in the last five years or who has been the subject of a Disqualification Order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1985 should be clearly stated in your application and may, depending on the circumstances, affect acceptance of your Membership application.

7. All Memberships are calendar based and renewal invoices are sent out 30 days before either the commencement of the new Membership or the renewal date of the existing Membership. Rights and benefits of Membership commence or are renewed once the invoice has been paid. If Membership fees increase from the previous year, you will be notified in advance and we take your consent granted if not otherwise communicated before the invoice issue.

8. During your Membership terms, we might ask you to complete a Membership survey for our records, which should be completed and returned to us at within ten (10) days of receipt. 

B) Membership Conditions

1. Members are required, as a condition of Membership, to undertake to:

a. Commit to the aims of isla publicly, and provide evidence of this to us, in the form of a web link or screenshot

b. Commit to the founding criteria of isla, being supporting the event industry to become more environmentally sustainable and not purely for financial gain (our “Guiding Principles”).


a. Members may use the isla membership logo (“Membership Mark”) and the following Membership statements (“Membership Statements”) on all promotional materials including your website.
i. “Member of isla
ii. “isla Member”
iii. “Working with isla

b. Other statements are not acceptable for use, some examples are listed below, and they are not a definitive list:
i. “Certified as sustainable isla
ii. “Recommended by isla
iii. “isla approved”
iv. “isla accredited”

c. Any statement other than the Membership Statements will require our prior written approval.

d. Upon termination or revocation of your Membership, permission to use the Membership Mark and the Membership Statements will be revoked with immediate effect.

3. Members will be registered depending on which sector is appropriate to their business, at our sole discretion.

4. Members’ rights regarding the election of representatives to the isla Advisory Board are exercised through these sectors.

5. We may suspend or expel any Member at any time and terminate your Membership where there is reasonable belief of:

a. Failure to adhere to our Guiding Principles;

b. Any abuse or attempted abuse of the Membership;

c. Any breach of these Terms, the isla Website Usage Policy and/or our Privacy Policy;

d. Any behaviour relating to your Membership that involves theft, misconduct, abusive or offensive behaviour, supplying false or misleading information or which otherwise prejudices the well-being or reputation of isla.

6. We will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the termination or revocation of your Membership. Members are liable for any and all fees, costs, charges, claims or liabilities (including taxes) of whatever nature arising from their Membership.

7. All Memberships are calendar based and renewal invoices are sent out 30 days before either the commencement of the new Membership or the renewal date of the existing Membership. Rights and benefits of Membership commence or are renewed once the invoice has been paid. If Membership fees increase from the previous year, you will be notified in advance and your written agreement will be required before the invoice is sent out.

8. Members who require or who operate a purchase order system must let our Accounts Department know at least two months in advance of renewal or new Membership date. Details of these requirements should be sent to

9. Following an annual Membership term, Membership will automatically renew for the following year unless notice is given as per clause 10 below.

10. isla requires 60 days prior written notice of the cessation of Membership. Following receipt of the appropriate notice of cessation, Membership will cease at the expiration of the current Membership period. Failure to provide the necessary notice will result in the following year’s Membership being automatically renewed and an invoice for that coming year’s Membership issued for payment 30 days before the end of the current term. The notice period is required to give isla sight of membership income for prudent financial planning.

11. Members agree not to share any of isla‘s intellectual property including, but not limited to, the Membership Mark and the Membership Statements, with non-member third parties. All rights to the isla brand are reserved to it. The content and services provided by isla, either in written form or verbal are protected by database rights and other intellectual property rights. Members may read, print and download material or information provided by their Membership in electronic and hard copy for their private use or use in the ordinary course of the Member’s business, but Members may not make any profit from the use of that material or information nor republish, disseminate or transmit any of it, or exploit it for commercial purposes, or make any derivative work, or copy it for any other purpose without first obtaining our prior written permission, or that of the rights owner.

12. We may from time to time suggest goods and services from third party suppliers or partners. If the Member uses this information or purchases or acquires goods or services from any third parties, we have no liability for the quality or type of services or goods provided by any third party. We do not endorse, and are not responsible for, the accuracy or reliability of, any such opinion, advice, statement, service, offer, information or content.

13. Membership is non-transferable.

14. You will indemnify us against all direct losses, claims, costs, demands and expenses suffered or incurred by us arising out of or in connection with your Membership, your failure to adhere to our Guiding Principles and/or any breach by you of these Terms, the isla Website Usage Policy and our Privacy Policy.

15. Nothing in these Terms shall limit or exclude liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation (iii) any liability which cannot be limited or excluded by applicable law.

16. Subject to term 15 above, isla shall have no liability to a Member for (i) loss of profit (ii) any loss of business or business opportunity (iii) any loss of anticipated savings (iv) any loss of goodwill or reputation (v) any indirect or consequential loss.

17. Subject to terms 15 and 16, isla’s maximum liability to a Member whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty or otherwise arising under or in connection with your Membership shall in no event exceed the Membership fee in any Membership year.

18. The Membership Period is 12 calendar months with which to redeem benefits stated in the Membership package. Benefits are non-transferable or carried over into successive periods past the Membership expiration date. Benefits are inclusive in membership fees and are non-refundable.

C) Specific Founding Member terms and conditions

1. isla Founding Members will receive an “isla Founding Member” mark for use on all promotional material.

2. isla will list all Founding Members on its website even if that Founding Member ceases its Membership, except in the circumstance of Membership termination or revocation by us in accordance with these Terms.

3. If a Founding Member ceases its Membership, it will lose the rights to use the “isla Founding Member” mark on all promotional material

4. One space on the isla Advisory Board will be available to a Founding Member representative. In the circumstance that all Founding Members pass up this opportunity, the space may be filled by a non Founding Member representative at our sole discretion.

D) Confidentiality commitments

1. In collating data via our carbon measurement software, or otherwise via your Membership, isla acknowledges that it may receive or otherwise become aware of information relating to each Member, its clients, customers, businesses, business plans or affairs, which information is proprietary and confidential (“Confidential Information”).

2. Confidential Information includes without limitation:

a. trade secrets;

b. information and data relating to Members’ (i) existing or potential customers, employees or officers; (ii) inventions, designs, products and/or product lines; (iii) research and development; (iv) production, manufacturing and/or engineering processes; (v) price lists and/or pricing structures; (vi) marketing and sales plans and/or processes; (vii) business plans or dealings; and/or (viii) finances;

c. carbon footprint and emissions data in relation to an event including, but not limited to: the event client, event scope, budget range (carbon emissions per £ spent), items purchased for the event (quantity/ country of origin), venue details (name/country/policies adopted by the venue/length of hire/ energy and water use during the event/ waste/emissions data), graphics produced (material types and quantity used/onward life of materials), catering (type of food served/ number of portions/food waste), travel and accommodation (number of hotel rooms booked per country/ details of flights/ car and train journeys/destinations)

d. any document marked “Confidential”, or any information which isla has been informed is confidential or which it might reasonably expect Members would regard as confidential.

3. Confidential Information shall exclude information which:

a. at the time of receipt by isla is in the public domain;

b. subsequently comes into the public domain through no fault of isla, its officers, employees or agents.

4. isla undertakes to maintain and procure the maintenance of the confidentiality of Members’ Confidential Information at all times and to keep and procure the keeping of Members’ Confidential Information secure and protected against theft, damage, loss or unauthorised access.

5. Any disclosure of Confidential Information shall be in strictest confidence. isla undertakes to disclose Members’ Confidential Information only to those of its officers, employees, agents and contractors to whom, and to the extent to which, such disclosure is necessary for analysis of data, which will be anonymised and collated with other Member data before being shared publicly.

6. isla undertakes not to disclose any Member’s Confidential Information to the isla Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will not have.  access to isla servers and any information presented to the Advisory Board will not contain any confidential information on any member.

7. isla undertakes to use the Confidential Information disclosed to it by the Member solely in connection with these Terms and the Guiding Principles and not otherwise for its benefit or the benefit of any third-party and to take the same strict control measures with regards to Confidential Information in the event of Membership termination.

E) General Terms

1. These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any disputes will be decided only by the English courts.

2. A person not a party to these Terms shall have no right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any terms of the Terms.

3. By virtue of its Membership, the Member consents to isla collecting and storing any information provided by the Member to us on enrolment in the Membership and participation in the Membership. This may include personal data about the Member. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for further information about how we use your data.

4. If any of the provisions of these Terms are found to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, then to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability, such provisions shall be deleted and severed from these Terms. The remaining enforceable terms shall continue in full force and effect and continue to be binding.

F) Education Terms 

1. Membership packages and seat allocation

1.1. Members are allocated a specific number of individual training seats according to their chosen membership package, plus one workshop.

1.2. Workshop Limits: Member organisations are entitled to one workshop per membership package per year. If additional sessions are required, they can be purchased at an additional cost.

1.3. Member Eligibility: Sessions are tailored to specific sectors (e.g., venues, event planners etc). Only members who meet the specified eligibility criteria can attend relevant sessions.

1.4. Members who have used up all of their training seat allocations are able to purchase bolt-on seats for additional training sessions or workshops. Please contact for individual pricing.

2. Delivery Format: Training

2.1. Training modules are delivered in a 1-to-many format involving multiple member companies at any one time. No individual member will be responsible for signing up the attendee minimum, so are free to send just one person, however the minimum attendance for all trainings is 4 seats. Should the minimum attendee number not be reached, isla reserves the right to cancel the session 24 hours before the time of the session, and attendees will be asked to reschedule on another date.

2.2. No-shows or late cancellations (within 24 hours) will count as used seats. 

3. Delivery Format: Workshops

3.1. All workshops are for one member company only due to their sector-specific content and are designed for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 attendees. 

3.2. proseed in Practice is for agencies only, Sustainability Objectives for Event Suppliers is for suppliers only and Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Venues is for venues only.    

3.3. No-shows or late cancellations (within 24 hours) will result in the workshop being counted as used.

4. Attendance & Bookings

4.1. One Seat Per User: Each booking secures one seat per person. Multiple users from the same organisation must register for their own seat within their isla package.

4.2. Attendance Tracking: Upon accessing the session, attendees must input their organisation name to track attendance. Membership usage will be documented and tracked, ensuring members do not over-subscribe on their seats.

4.3. Cancellation Policy: We ask you to cancel your attendance using the link provided in the event confirmation, should you not be able to attend. If you need to cancel your booking, please do so at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to attend without proper cancellation will result in forfeiting your booked seat.

5. Session Access & Participation

5.1. AI Tools: We don’t allow the use of AI tools, including automatic transcription or recording unless required for accessibility purposes. You must notify us in advance if this is needed. 

5.2. Recording & Distribution: Recording of any session without explicit prior permission is strictly prohibited. Any materials provided post-session, such as training packs, resources or exercises, are for member use only and should not be shared externally.

6. Session Content & Intellectual Property

6.1. Proprietary Material: All content provided during the session, including resources, slides, and exercises, is the intellectual property of isla. Sharing, distributing, or reproducing this material without permission is strictly prohibited.

7. Dispute Resolution

7.1. Dispute Handling: Should any disputes arise regarding participation, session access, or the materials provided, they will be addressed in accordance with the terms outlined here by the membership team.

8. Liability & Disclaimer

8.1. Content Responsibility: We make every effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, we are not liable for any errors, omissions, or actions taken as a result of attending the workshop or training sessions.


By agreeing to these terms, participants acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the guidelines governing service delivery and participation.

© isla: isla collective ltd 2024

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