isla adds voice to government Net Zero Review

A survey by the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) found 80% of global business leaders say more government policy and regulation is needed to deliver net zero.

isla has answered the government’s call for evidence on its seminal Net-Zero Review, driving home its commitment to securing a net-zero future for the events, related industries and the UK as a whole.

Launched in September and led by Review chair Chris Skidmore MP former joint Minister of State for the Department for Education (Dfe) and the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) the Review has been commissioned by BEIS to ensure that the government’s Net Zero target ‘does not place undue burdens on businesses or consumers’ and is both ‘pro-business and pro-growth’.

The consultation – which ends at 11.45pm on Thursday October 27th – gives diverse stakeholders including businesses and organisations of all types and scales and the general public, the opportunity to have their say on the government’s approach to delivering its Net Zero Strategy to 2050

Speaking at the time of the Review launch, Chris Skidmore MP said: “The decisions and actions we take today will impact consumers, employees and businesses alike, in cities, towns and rural communities all over the country. That’s why I want to hear the views of as many people as possible over the next month.

“I want to ensure that net zero isn’t just viewed as the right thing to do for our environment, but becomes an essential driver of economic growth – and a win-win for Britain and the world.”

isla CEO & Co-Founder Anna Abdelnoor says: “There is no viable future for our planet without net zero which requires immediate, direct and committed action. As the industry body driving forward a sustainable future for events we are working hard to reframe net zero as a much needed opportunity, rather than a ‘burden’, for business across the key ESG pillars. 

“But this opportunity will not only need to be supported by bodies like ours in order to be realised, it will also need to be underpinned by a rigorous legislative and funding framework that makes the transition to net zero both feasible and sustainable”.

Continuing she adds: “By contributing to this consultation we are helping to ensure that input is multi-sector and reflects SME and community needs. It also acts as a call to action to give net zero the profile and policy attention it deserves.”

The Review close date comes amid a flurry of government activity on net zero in recent weeks including a House of Lords debate on how the government will “support behaviour change as part of the pathway to net zero emissions”, while incoming Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has committed to “protecting our environment” as part of his pledge to deliver on the Conservative’s 2019 election-winning manifesto. Its six delivery points include: ‘Reaching Net Zero by 2050 with investment in clean energy solutions and green infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and pollution’.

A report on the Net-Zero Review is set to be published at the end of 2022.

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