Corporate Communications






per seat

About training 

Explore the psychology behind effective communication to understand what resonates best. This training includes practical advice on avoiding greenwashing and developing client briefs, sustainability policies, and website content.

Note for isla members: This is included in your membership.

Learning outcomes

✅ Gain clarity on your target audience and the purpose of your communications
✅ Learn how to frame your communications to inspire action
✅ Build confidence to share your sustainability initiatives without the fear of greenwash

Who is it for? 

Senior Leaders
Sustainability Leads
Marketing and Communications professionals
Intermediate level – it is advisable that participants already have strong sustainability initiatives in place


60-90 min session delivered via video conference, group drop-in training session

Includes short group exercises to enhance engagement and learning

A take-home deck is provided

Additional info 

The upcoming training sessions will take place on  27 March, 10 April, and 8 May. Additional time slots will be provided shortly, and the team will reach out to you with a suitable time.

For group bookings, please contact Femke Millership at for more information. 

For any questions and enquiries, please contact

Training terms & conditions:

You’ll be asked to confirm or cancel your place before the session.

If fewer than four people sign up, we’ll cancel the session and ask you to rebook another date.

Please do not share the meeting link. If someone else from your team wants to join, they must purchase their own seat on our training page.

More training & workshops

Explore the meaning of Net Zero, its importance as a goal at the global, national, and individual business levels, and its implications for the events industry.
A comprehensive overview of carbon measurement covering the history of carbon emissions and unpicking the legislation that exists around reporting and measuring your business emissions.
Designed for all sustainability beginners to bring you and your team up to speed with essential sustainability knowledge.
Download our report

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