isla TechProd roundtable

isla was founded in 2020, on the back of an 18-attendee strong agency roundtable, attended by agency leaders on the premise of ‘how do we collaborate to accelerate’ in the face of the climate crisis?

We’re excited to be hosting our first isla TechProd roundtable this May, where we’ll be discussing the sustainability landscape for technical production suppliers.

It’s recognised that VP solutions are inherently ‘more sustainable’ than live events, and with AV, LX and other kit having a long-term lifecycle due to the nature of procuring and hiring, we’ll be exploring the question of “what does the sustainability landscape look like for technical production suppliers?”

The purpose of the roundtable is to understand the collective challenges faced, the successes (and failures) that have been made to date and what support is perceived necessary to move this segment of the industry forward towards a Net Zero future. 

isla is an independent sustainability body, working collaboratively across the event value chain to join the dots and developable pragmatic, accessible and actionable solutions for all industry stakeholders, prioritising sustainability as a solution in our industry recovery and helping close the gaps.


Who is it for?

This roundtable is aimed at Senior Leadership with decision-making capabilities (MD / CEO recommended) and Operations or Sustainability Leads. 


When is it?

The roundtable will take place in May, the exact date is TBC.


Where is it?

This will be an in-person meeting, in London. Exact location TBC. 

We will explore virtual options for those that are unable to attend, however, know that we will make more progress and have better conversation F2F, and recommend you join in person if possible.


How do you get involved?

Email to confirm your position and that of your colleague and we’ll fire over a calendar invite. We have a large number of interested participants and will be limiting attendance to max 2 x people per organisation.

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